Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I'm Alive and In It to Win it!

Bless me blogword, for I have sinned. It has been AGES since my last post.

For anyone concerned, I just wanna letcha know that I am still very much in it to win it and 100% committed to m-e. ;) I've been completely on program and enjoying the heck out of all the cycling I've been doing... even in the brutal Florida summer heat.

Yesterday, was really nice. At the end of my ride along the beach at Crandon and in the Quiet Gardens (which is what's become of the Crandon Park Zoo since Metro Zoo became the zoo about 20 years ago), I stopped by the Oasis for an espresso (no sugar, 2 splendas) and just to chill, and as I rode in, dripping wet, I was applauded by this pack of serious (uniform wearing, seriously tricked out) cyclists. I've been seeing them at the Oasis for years, sharing idle chat, and this was the first time they'd seen me on the bike. They were so sweet... And all very happy for me, and happy to have a new convert into their world. It was really cute.

So why haven't I been here blogging about my daily stuff? Well, it's Big Brother season! lol.. For the uninitiated, you can come check out what's been keeping me so darn busy here: bb8dish. It's pretty life encompassing, but I'm not letting it interfere with what's most important. ;)

In new news... I gave up my car a few days ago. I haven't been using it at all, since I've been riding just about everywhere, and I just decided I didn't want to pay for it to sit there anymore. Between that and the horrific price of gas, it was just time. If a hurricane comes, I'd have to rent an SUV anyway (cuz it's higher, so there's less likelyhood of flooding out), so no biggie. I'll get another one when Big Brother's done for the season and normal life resumes. For the moment, I'm quite happy to save the money and reduce my carbon footprint, as it were. ;) The Gore-ical would be so proud of me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's my girl. I am glad to hear you are enjoying your biking. While I was reading your post I imagined your mom riding her bike and then you on yours and how you are following in her footsteps of riding everywhere. I am actually thinking of getting new bike myself. The bike we share in my family is about as old as I am. It belongs in a museum!...Chorti

July 14, 2007 at 11:28 AM  

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