Monday, July 30, 2007

What a Week

Yesterday, I woke up at 5am, blogged the overnight report, and then took my mother out for brunch. On the way there, I was thinking, ok... this is good... first time she's felt well enough to get out in 2 weeks... everything's getting back to normal... all i ask for is a little less drama this week.

Talk about tempting fate!

We have brunch... At the end of my meal, I'm sitting there peacefully, I look down at my empty plate, and there are 3 maggots.

I'm just gonna let that soak in for a second.

Needless to say, I felt immediately nauseous. i got up from my table, brought my plate with me, signaled to the manager of the restaurant and said, "I'm about to be ill. I need you to look at this," and handed him the plate. He looked, said, "Oh my God. Oh my God," and I took off for the bathroom. (i'll spare you those details)

I come back out, and still shaken, spoke with the manager, the cook, etc... Honestly, they couldn't have handled it any better. We determined it did not come from the kitchen, but the A/C unit above my table... where more continued to fall once I'd left the table.

Anyhow, they completely stepped up to the plate vis-a-vis medical, etc, and they're good people, so I'm letting it go. I was grossed out, but unharmed.

OK.. so I go from there to the Paramedics, who tell me not to worry, and call poison control to confirm it.

Moving along... I go to my favorite coffee joint for an espresso, make a couple calls, then call my mom to tell her all's well, and she tells me:"I did something stupid. I lifted.... "

and my heart stops... she just had the procedure a couple days ago... no lifting...

She'd had a sharp pain at the site of the catheterization... ok, so I'm not going to the afternoon party... I'm staying with her, making sure she's alive.

Things calm down for a while, then I get a note from one of the commenters on the blog, asking if I wrote for another bb site. I said no, never heard of em... Long story short... since the beginning of the season, they've been copying every single post and every single cap i've done and posting them as their own.

To say I was livid doesn't even begin to describe it... I spent all night, from about 11pm till 4:30am getting screenshots of all my stuff on the site... and yes, I'm pursuing it.

So this morning, I wake up absolutely thrashed at about 11am... post a slap-ass overnight report.. and get ready to help my mother with a volunteer thing for some underprivileged kids... we're supposed to ride over together with this woman, who as it turns out has brought 3 children with her in a small car.

I take one look, then decide to ride my bike.

I'm riding over there, and about 2 miles away, I'm chilling out, and just thinking, "please, God, just a little less drama this week." As soon as I thought it, the chain popped off my bike.

I laughed my ass off.

What else was I supposed to do?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Morning 1-7

  1. 5:30am wake, coffee, blog the overnight report.
  2. 8:15am - 10am get out early enough to avoid the mainlanders and end up Power cycling through the rain while dodging poorly corralled triathletes in *my* oceanside park. grrrr.
  3. 10-10:30 breathe, shower off all the sand from above, dress
  4. 10:40 cycle to park on opposite end of island for breakfast on no name harbor.
  5. 11:00 breakfast
  6. 11:30am leave, too full, promise self to cycle at least another 30 minutes.
  7. 12:30pm home from nice ride around the island... legs/spirit coulda gone longer, but the boss lady'd had enough. youch. and it's about to storm. didn't realize till i was done how good a ride part 2 was...

Cycling reminds me of those great moments when you were 9 or 10 that started with the words, "Race ya!" and didn't finish till everyone was out of breath with huge smiles on their faces from all the exertion.

Also, the sheer fun of intentionally riding through all the puddles you could find...

Gotta love it.

Friday, July 20, 2007

New Rules

I am starving today!!!!!

During my rides the past couple days, I've been composing blog posts in my head, and none of them started that way. Quite a bit more lofty really.

Today, I want food, and plenty of it. It's 4:15, and I've been wanting to order Chinese for dinner since about 2 hours ago.

Drink water!

I made some new rules this week. Since I've been doing trace carbs for like 3-4 months now, I think it's high time to re-introduce a few more carbs every day... with a few conditions:

In order to have half a tostada and a cortadito sin azucar for breakfast, I must:

Cycle for at least 60 minutes in the morning, and complete a minimum of 5 laps back and forth along the ocean wall at Crandon.
    ...this morning i did 7 :)

No morning workout, no carbs.

Also, all morning rides must be completed by 10am. It's just dangerous to be out there during prime sun hours.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

2 of the most important people in my world + me (and 1 random guy)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sunstroke Anyone?

I woke up crazy early today, got to work on the blog around 4:30am, and heard the call of the beach around 10:30. By the time I took to my bike, it was closer to 11am, and I had a gorgeous ride along the ocean, including 12 laps along the ocean wall/boardwalk at crandon. All in all about a 90 minute ride. At 11am. In South Florida. In summertime. Felt great while I was doing it, but at the moment, it feels like sunstroke.
    ***Note to self: stifle the inner voices that tell you to exercise around high noon. Pardon me while I take a long cool shower.
Yeesh. Definitely under the heading of dumbest things ever!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Completely Soaked

And Loving it!!

I just had a great ride in what started as a very light cool drizzle and turned into a puddle surfing mess of fun. :)

And... drumroll please... I got brave and tried on another size smaller shorts this morning.. and they fit! :) so that's 4 sizes down, if anyone out there's keeping track.

My goal for the summer is 2 more sizes... Feeling pretty great about it too.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I'm Alive and In It to Win it!

Bless me blogword, for I have sinned. It has been AGES since my last post.

For anyone concerned, I just wanna letcha know that I am still very much in it to win it and 100% committed to m-e. ;) I've been completely on program and enjoying the heck out of all the cycling I've been doing... even in the brutal Florida summer heat.

Yesterday, was really nice. At the end of my ride along the beach at Crandon and in the Quiet Gardens (which is what's become of the Crandon Park Zoo since Metro Zoo became the zoo about 20 years ago), I stopped by the Oasis for an espresso (no sugar, 2 splendas) and just to chill, and as I rode in, dripping wet, I was applauded by this pack of serious (uniform wearing, seriously tricked out) cyclists. I've been seeing them at the Oasis for years, sharing idle chat, and this was the first time they'd seen me on the bike. They were so sweet... And all very happy for me, and happy to have a new convert into their world. It was really cute.

So why haven't I been here blogging about my daily stuff? Well, it's Big Brother season! lol.. For the uninitiated, you can come check out what's been keeping me so darn busy here: bb8dish. It's pretty life encompassing, but I'm not letting it interfere with what's most important. ;)

In new news... I gave up my car a few days ago. I haven't been using it at all, since I've been riding just about everywhere, and I just decided I didn't want to pay for it to sit there anymore. Between that and the horrific price of gas, it was just time. If a hurricane comes, I'd have to rent an SUV anyway (cuz it's higher, so there's less likelyhood of flooding out), so no biggie. I'll get another one when Big Brother's done for the season and normal life resumes. For the moment, I'm quite happy to save the money and reduce my carbon footprint, as it were. ;) The Gore-ical would be so proud of me.